Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Digital Poetry Unit

Hey, no big deal here. Just needed a place to store some links as I work on my final project.

user imput makes the poem (you click and there are popups)
user input--but just for next slide (3X3 grid of letters)
collection of electronic literature, all in a neat gridded box. Very pretty.
you can enter your own poem and it "poem cubes" it for you. user input on several levels.
Thom Swiss: Dreamlife. It's pretty linear--a poem with pretty visuals. No user input
Thom Swiss: City of Bits. You "stroll" and see the city: visuals, poetry.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Online feedback

Blog or vlog post: select an anonymous example of a student’s writing and describe how you would provide online feedback to that writing. Reflect on what you believe is important in giving online feedback to students. How might that feedback vary according to differences in disciplinary orientations/writing-to-learn strategies as described in Chapter 8. Then develop some techniques for training peers to provide online peer feedback and ways to determine the effectiveness of their feedback.

Here's a piece from last term. The theme for the poem assignment was "A Time My World Changed."

The day my world changed was a blur of brown boxes..
City lights swirling like they were putting on a show..
Cars screaching by
leaving the smell of rubber in the air..
Glass breaking
car alarms blairing
people out all night..
Gun shots bang
I'm sensitized to the sound..
I don't even flinch
as I sit on the couch..
Walking outside
everybody knows your name..
running the streets
as if i never became tired..
Beating the street lights home..
That was then..
now I'm looking out my window
I see nothing at all..
No more apartments
no more broken bottles..
No more of that place
that I came to love..
Now cute little houses standing side by side
like a group of soldiers going to war..
No more sirens
I hear nothing but silence..
Never knowing how loud being quiet could be..
This new place I will never call home
It feels anything but..
That was the day my world changed.

If I were to give this student online feedback, here's what I'd say:

Powerful moment! You really capture the idea of Home and what that means to you.
Look at your line breaks--are there places you can use enjambment to emphasize specific thoughts/make more powerful points?
I love your two opening lines--really good use of imagery.
Look at the line,

"running the streets
as if i never became tired.."
It feels a little awkward.
Also look a the 2nd half of the poem. How can you use concrete images to SHOW us even more how it differs from your original home?
Great image of the homes that look like soldiers.

In giving online feedback, I think it's best to ask questions, to create a space for students to figure out how they can make their writing stronger. It's a difficult place to proofread, so I prefer a hard copy when the editing version comes along.

Your feedback is going to vary depending on what your purpose is for that version of your writing. I hate to make editing corrections until the penultimate version, otherwise students get wrapped up in conventions and their creativity can get stifled. When we study the 6 Traits, I'll often focus on just one or two of those traits to really hone in on those skills.

When teaching students to give peer online feedback, I'll often ask questions they should ask themselves when reading someone's work such as,

A. Are descriptive words specific? (words like big, small, nice, amazing, good, etc. are pretty useless in poetry)
B. Are there similes/metaphors? These things help your reader SEE and EXPERIENCE what you have.
C. Does the poem avoid cliches?
D. Is the title thoughtful?
E. Does the poem surprise you, or is it fairly predictable?
F. What is the most effective element of the poem as it's written?

Other times I've had students post a 1st and 2nd version of an assignment (the 1st version is their initial attempt, the 2nd version is a revision after I've made comments) and have students post comments on what they noticed the writer has changed. This is a very effective way for kids to see what kinds of comments I give, and therefore to see what kinds of suggestions/observations they can make in the future.

I always emphasize that we're taking care of each other, and helping each other to be better writers. I don't allow any peer editing at all until I feel we've established community and students are starting to trust one another.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Website readability

Blog or vlog post: Analyze the readability of a effective web site versus a less-effective or poorly-designed site or blog in terms of difference in the design features: what specific design features contributed to high versus low readability? Develop some activities that would help students learn to attend to design features in creating and editing their digital writing, for example, how to make their PowerPoint presentations more interactive.

Always on the look-out for creative writing prompts, I checked out two sites:




The Writer's Digest site doesn't hold up in readability tests (my own) compared to the Writing Prompts site. Here are some reasons:
1. Writer's digest has a pop up add when you first access it, asking if you want a free copy of their magazine. Gross.
2. The font size is small.
3. Flash advertisements.
4. Too busy.

The Writing Prompts site isn't fabulously fabulous (also too many small fonts and too much going on) but the cool part is its purpose is very clear: Writing Prompts. There are hundreds of them. You scroll across a number and a writing prompt comes up. It's all secret and revealing fun-like.

Writer's Digest also gives prompts, but just in a list. It's not as fun.

Activities for students to pay attention to design...

1. Show them strong and weak examples of websites, powerpoints, etc. and have them list what categories they can for what makes a visually strong website, etc.
2. Have them find websites that do/don't embody these categories. (Save websites for future use. :) )
3. Have students make the worst powerpoint they can and tell us what makes it so bad.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Box Logic

I did some gathering, based on Geoffrey Sirc's Box Logic. My "Box 'o Sisters" is here.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Making My Own Podcast

I basically turned a Creative Writing exercise into a podcast and shamelessly added sound effects for my own entertainment. I'm not sure where I'd actually use it in real life. If a kid was gone and I was SUPER on top of things, I could have podcasts for missing assignments. But that seems like a ton of work. If I was teaching via the internet it would be useful. Quite frankly, I do not know.

Making it was fun. My sisters and I made radio dramas (mostly detective stories) on cassette tape when we were younger. If we had had this technology back then, we would have had a blast with it.

I'm confused about how to share it with the world. Right now it's posted on the class wiki and it lives in my iTunes, but I'm stuck as to how to have it hosted someplace.

Friday, November 2, 2007


Oh my god. I found someone dorkier than me. His name is Luke Taylor and he creates the "Grammar Grater" podcast for MPR. Now, I know what you're saying, "Geez, Nicole, what were you thinking?" But I really like grammar. It's the math part of my brain. So I thought I'd dig it. But his delivery is so peDANtic and scripted and the jokes are all kinds of lame. Worst part: I didn't learn anything. Sigh.

Then I listened to the Bob and Rob show, which attracted me because it rhymed. Then I saw it was a "Yankee and a Brit" and this made me very excited. Their show is much different from Grammar Grater because it's a conversation and not a recitation. However, I hate the sound effects and laugh track. Why do we need that? After I listened to a couple snippets of shows, I saw that their intended audience is English Language Learners. What a cool way for people learning English to enrich their understanding of the English language. I admit it made me less interested for my personal use, however.

I sampled this and that, coming to the conclusion that I can see doing podcasts with students because once you read your writing out loud, you hear where you can make improvements. If students are recording their writing, I imagine they'll be even more committed to writing well (because of the audience piece).

But how...
-creative writers (maybe CW2) could record podcasts of their poetry
-creative writers could create their own radio dramas
-9th grade? Boy, it's so tough to think of them because of the curriculum monster that I wish would stay under the bed or in the closet, but continues to make himself at home everywhere. Romeo and Juliet, maybe? Maybe they could do modernizations and make radio dramas.

As for my own podcast, I could interview my mom (whose life has always been very interesting) or my sister. She has a brand new job as a morning DJ and this has changed her in various ways.

Or I could do a diatribe of some sort.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Idea for specific class

Specific Activity:

Well, I had a specific idea for the use of a piece of this technology in my creative writing class (an elective for 10-12th graders) and am in the process of using it. Here it is:

My CW students create a cast of characters and a common event to write about. Then they create plot lines that must compliment each other (and not contradict). I set up a wiki for them to keep track of all of the mutual information, and they have made it their own. Here it is: http://champlincw.pbwiki.com/

They also have blogs, so they're posting their stories for all to read and to help them clear up contradictions.

I'm doing this project for the 4th time, and it changes each time a little bit. This time, adding the wiki has really changed the nature of the project: kids are more excited and invested.

Final Project Ideas:
1. Our sweet 9th graders are writing a lot of "firsts" this year: their first literary analysis paper, their first research paper, and their first comparison/contrast paper using embedded quotes. Most kids understand how to write these papers with the instruction they receive in class, but some kids need that one-on-one time for me to just repeat it all over again. I could make some vlogs summarizing the instruction for any/all of these papers so kids could review at home if they are totally lost once they sit down to write the paper.

2. CW2: I did a digital poetry unit with them last year and they LOVED it. They made some very cool stuff, too (on Powerpoint) but most kids' digital poems were like music videos for poetry. I'd like to see them explore this genre on a deeper level. More examples? Some articles? Maybe I need to spend some more time with that unit.

3. Romeo & Juliet: We do a persuasive essay for this one for 9th grade. It would be cool to do some online role playing before they launch into the essay, so I could develop the guidelines for some asynchronous discussions/other activities to assist with the pre-thought/pre-writing work.